Kamis, 07 Maret 2013

Raja Ampat Islands

Raja Ampat Islands
Have you ever heard Raja Ampat Islands ? Never ? I think so.. But for those who like diving, then perhaps they have ever heard the name of the Raja Ampat Islands. Ja, base to many sources, Raja Ampat Islands is most known as one of the best dive sites in the world for its wealth, diversity and beauty of the underwater  paradise​​.

Located in the region of "Bird Head" Peninsula of Island of Papua, Raja Ampat Islands administratively belongs to the Province of West Papua, Indonesia, about 50 miles from the town of Sorong in West Papua. The archipelago is a series of four adjacent islands. The four islands were named in the name of its largest island, namely Waigeo Island, Misool Island, Batanta Island and Salawati island. Overall, Raja Ampat Islands has more than 610 islands, 35 islands of which have been inhabited. And many of the island has not even given a name.

To go there, you can use the airlines from Jakarta to Sorong via Manado, about 6 hours. From Sorong, then you can use pinisi boat to explore the islands or stay in Papua Diving Resort that offers underwater tours.

Raja Ampat UnderwaterAs mentioned earlier, the Raja Ampat Islands are recognized in the top 10 best places in the world for its richness, diversity and beauty of the underwater world. A study noted in these waters there are more than 540 species of hard corals, over 1000 species of reef fish, 700 species of mollusks. This research revealed that Raja Ampat Islands owns 75% of coral species of the world. In some areas, the condition of coral reefs are still very well where the level life coral reached to 90%. This area are  Dampier Strait which seperate Batanta Island and Waigeo Island, Kofiau Islands, Wayag Islands and Misool Islands.

In Raja Ampat Islands, you can find a wide range of marine life such as several species of sea horses, wobbegong, manta rays. You can also find hordes of tunas, giant trevallies and snappers. Maybe, you also will get a thrilling experience when you meet a group of barracudas or sharks. In some places, you can also find turtle or sea cow. Raja Ampat Islands also has endemic fish species, such as Eviota, a kind of gobies. There are also Apogon, a kind of cardinal and Hemysyllium, a type of shark.

Not only the beauty beneath the water, Raja Ampat Islands also offers a wealth of flora and fauna that are not less interesting. Red Cendrawasih, Wilson Cendrawasih, Maleo Waigeo, Nuri and Cockatoos, are various species of birds that inhabit the islands of Raja Ampat. While the plants that make its natural resources are the various types of orchids, including the famous black orchid.

In Raja Ampat Islands can also be found relics of history. In Misool Islands you can find prehistoric relics in the form of hand stamp on a rock wall. Uniquely, the stamp of this hand is very close to sea level and not in the cave. Estimated age of this hand stamp around 50,000 years and become part of a series of instructions for distributing human path from the western region of the archipelago to Papua and Melanesia. It can also be found in the remains of World War II such as the sinking ship in the diving area of ​​the Wai archipelago and cave bunkers built by the Dutch and the Japanese army during the World War II.

In the Raja Ampat archipelago there are also natural phenomena. In East Waigeo, particularly in front of Urbinasopen and Yesner Villages, 'there is a very interesting and unique natural phenomenon, the which cans only be seen every year-end. A light comes out from the ocean and wanders around on its surface for about 10-18 minutes. After that, it disappears and cans only be seen again at the following years-end. Local inhabitants in both villages call this phenomenon the "Sea Ghost". This is more than just a sunset view, overlooking from your liveaboard.

may rent a small boat if you wish to stop and make personal discoveries along the line of the beaches and then trek around the islands to find hidden beauties, like Waterfalls and ancient Caves.
Enjoy the pure nature of the Raja Ampat Islands. 

Sunset at Raja Ampa